Observator announce the launch of MeteoLink at Oceanology International 2016, London

Thursday 4 February 2016

All-in-one meteorological stations for the measurement of wind, temperature, humidity, barometric pressure and precipitation sound very convenient. However, in the professional meteorological markets, such as Marine, Harbors, Airports etc, the use of these all-in one systems are nearly impossible.

On vessels, for example, the wind speed and direction should be measured as high as possible, free from obstacles which could cause a blockage or venturi effects. Temperature and humidity should be measured close to the bridge, away from exhausts and direct sun light and preferably executed with a field replaceable probe. Barometric pressure should be measured inside, a CAP recommendation, and in most cases using a dual baro sensor.

Additionally, other critical markets have their own unique requirements for sensor locations as well as sensor quality and accuracy.

Furthermore, many applications require meteorological stations with more sensors than available in all-in-one systems in order to obtain information on parameters such as visibility, cloud height and coverage and even hydrological parameters.


MeteoLink offers the opportunity to interconnect individual sensors with each other and combine sensor measurements and sensor information into one data stream with multiple NMEA messages.

Within the MeteoLink network, one smart module will be installed and other sensors connected to it, either serially or individually. Using a LAN cable connected to the smart module, it is then possible to configure and check the complete network including all the connected sensors from a single interface.

OI 2016

At Oceanology International 2016 in London, Observator will officially launch MeteoLink (Stand H555)!
Read more about this exhibition >>

Keep in touch for more information about MeteoLink. Next week the datasheet of Meteolink is available!!

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